Adds trucks, cars and other FS9 default objetcs to Fortaleza International Airport (SBFZ) and Feijó Airfield (SNFF), Ceará, Brazil. This sceney “” is a complement to the “” scenery of Fortaleza/SBFZ made by the scenery designer Alvaro Volponi. You need to have “” installed beforehand in order to “” work properly. You can find them here:
fortalv5 addon
fortalv5 addon
12 December 2009
Download AVSIM:
|| Atol das Rocas (SNRC) – “ao nordeste do litoral do RN” | Sao Vicente & Sao Pedro (SNVP/SNPV) – “ao leste do litoral do ES” || FS2004 AFCAD and mesh files for three fictious airport-islands in Brazilian Atlantic Coast (the idea is not to represent nothing in real, but to provide a way for flight sim pilots to reach these islands). || Arquivos AFCAD e mesh para tres ilhas brasileiras, criando aeroportos ficticios para elas (a ideia nao eh representar nada real, mas apenas possibilitar que pilotos virtuais possam visitar essas ilhas). ==> v3 <== |
Ilhas BR
17 June 2009
Fictious SBRN (São Gonçalo do Amarante – New Natal Intl. Airport)
Natal, RN – Brasil
Download (480KB) AFCAD: 4Shared Link
The idea is not to represent the future airport in real, but to give a taste of what it can be.
A idéia não é representar fidedignamente o que será o novo aeroporto em construção, mas apenas dar um gostinho do que ele poderá ser.